Libby Rubin

Rebranding Her Passion

“Once, I loved my business. It was exciting and energizing. But I was slowly burning out.”

Libby Rubin gives talent classes—dance, drama, exercise, and more. For ten years, she poured her heart and soul into the business. But the hours were long, and she struggled to make ends meet.

Last year, she joined the “Earn Big!” workshops offered through a partnership between Temech and business coach Yael Feingold.

“Temech is there for you when you’re struggling,” Libby says, “for businesses in a rough place. They offer a variety of groups and workshops at subsidized prices, giving businesswomen a chance to reinvent themselves.”

That’s exactly what Libby did. “Yael’s course gave me an entirely new approach to my business. I revamped everything.”

Libby started with fresh branding. She offered high-level classes, but her original brand didn’t reflect that reality. She changed the name of her studio and recrafted her logo and slogan.

Once customers appreciated what they were getting, Libby could raise her prices.

“It started an upward cycle. I charged more, had more income, and then invested even more in the business,” she shares.

In addition to the invaluable insights she gained in the course, Libby also joined Yael’s online business community.

“That was the most valuable element of all. Learning the theory is essential, but it doesn’t compare with seeing how it plays out in real life.

“Our community has hundreds of women, in every possible industry. They ask questions, and Yael answers them. By watching the process of so many entrepreneurs, I learned so much.”

In addition, every Tuesday, Yael posts a challenge for the following week. On Sunday, women share how they’ll tackle that challenge, and on Thursday, they reflect on how they achieved their goals.

“We’re constantly moving forward and improving our business.

“I have more customers, I’m earning more, and I believe the growth will snowball. Best yet, thanks to Yael and Temech, I went from being worn out and burnt out to loving my business again.”

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